Monday, June 13, 2011

Getting Started on the Outside

I chose to use some of my Cedar to cover to front of the cabin.  The cedar is so rich and has a reddish tint to it.  I know the longer the summer's sun shines against it, the color will turn. My plan is to reface the entire outside of the cabin this summer. 

 I decided to leave the old wood siding on the cabin.  We just covered it with black paper and went over that with the cedar.

 We nailed the boards, then added screws.

Suzy even helped out some as long as I let her use the nail gun!

Front completed

Finishing Touches

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Changes Begin

Before tackling the ouside of the cabin, we decided to reface our dressing room.  All the wood used is from our sawmill.  We were able to cut down the trees, saw it into lumber, plane it, let it dry and now put it to good use.

Daddy learned that he loves the nail gun

Beginning to look like a real cabin.

Final touches

Finally Finished Hewing!!!

This beam for our cabin is finally completed.  The hewing took a lot longer than I had expected.  Even so, it'll look great in our cabin.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Home for the Shingle Mill

We made it home with the shingle mill, but now we have to find a place to use it.  We decided to go up!  We added a second story over the edger area. Below are a few photos of how much we've accomplished so far. 

                                         The Shingle Mill

  The Shingle Mill should feel right at home with the snow.
February 10, 2011

  Me and my Dad working side by side.

More Progress

Showing off one of the first shingles we've cut.
Even more progress...

Allmost ready to begin cutting shingles!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Trip to Canada for the Shingle Mill

Recently Ann & I traveled to Ontario Canada to pick up a Shingle Mill.  It is the newest addition to my sawmill operation.  We'll use the mill to shingle the addition to the cabin. 

                             Belows are photo of a wreck that held us on for over an hour.

 We finally made it across the border around 10pm
                                                       The long awaited Shingle Mill


Keith examining it.

Scenes around Ontario


                                                      Notice the mailbox below!

             Evidently no type of weather stops the Amish.  The horse's back was covered in snow

                                                       Our truck at Lake Huron.