Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sawing Support Beam

Today we sawed one of the main support beams for our addition.  This is one of the first trees we cut for the project.  It was highlighted in the 01-03-11 post.

The log waiting to be rolled onto the carriage on it's journey to the saw.

Here I'm using the cant hook to roll the log.

Setting everything to begin cutting.

Below are photos of how logs are turned to cut the bark on the next side.


The finished product!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

Well we've had our second snow this winter.  Living here in the South, snow is not something we see very often and it always bring lots of excitement to the young and old alike.   Below you will see the log that I've been hewing as well as scenes around the sawmill and cabin.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Day of Hewing

Today we got started early in the cold.  I worked late last night hewing this side of the log.  Today I have to level it up before starting on the bottom.  

You can see that this side is a little high in the center.

Dad is helping me to pull string to see how much  more needs to be removed  from the log.

My brother giving me his opinion of how the log should be finished.  He and his friends couldn't believe I would  spend all the hours hewing, when I have  a sawmill that would cut the log in a few minutes.  They just don't understand!

Here I have turned the log over and began on the bottom side.


Close view of the hewing on this side of the log
Second side completed!
This has a good shot of my sawmill in the background.

Take a look at all the shavings I've cut by hand.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hewing by Moonlight

Give me an ax and a light............. I can work.

I was even able to get Suzy into the working mood............for a little while.    

Up close view of the log

This night was a little cooler.  The fire made is much more comfortable.